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Let’s talk

— We are a small studio based in north-eastern Italy, close to beautiful Padua. We establish collaborations with brands and firms we like in order to build new products, to develop any sort of strategies or initiatives and generally to help make things better.

To do so, we’ve chosen flexibility: this means we behave like many Italian brands do, that is choosing the right collaborators for different jobs. We are not exploiting talents, we just choose the best talent to work with according to a specific task.

If you want to have the chance to be part of our network, just drop a line with an understandable CV and we’ll keep you in great consideration.

Or, if you are a company, a manufacturer, an association or you just feel we can make your business better, write us too: we’re always open for new challenges.

General Inquires

info [that weird “a”] giorgiobiscaro.com

Press requests

press [that weird “a”] giorgiobiscaro.com

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