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Art & Creative Direction

As it often happens when starting a new journey, an art director wannabe and a company must sniff each others for a while.

With Francesconi, the very beginning was a short chat together with their press agency, Advised Agency, who introduced me.

After that, the first real chance of working together was designing a bollard collection for outdoor applications: Elk. 

Video produced for AREA Magazine

The solid design and the appreciation for the material choice led the brand’s owner to appoint me their art director for the future activities: a brand new catalogue, the graphic design for a new website, a consistent visual appearance for their social channels and their booth during Light+Building fair in Frankfurt am Mein.

Unfortunately, the global CoViD-19 pandemic stopped any chance of displaying the booth (even if it will be built, two years after), but in the end the result will be really enjoyable and comfortable. 

In general, the previous catalogue was underlining the vast offer the brand could give, but in a certain way it lacked some sparks when talking about the single collection. Therefore, I decided to rearrange the product list, ordering them by collection and giving to each one the necessary emphasis with strong visual features. The task was carried out with great courage by everybody: due to the pandemic restrictions I managed to brief the photographer Massimo Loda and check the photoshooting remotely!

The copywriting was affected too: instead of listing numbers and data of the single product and light sources I turned to a much more familiar touch, in order to speak to a wider audience and not only lighting professionals.


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